Like many high school students, I once worked in a little fast food place.
It was a hole in the wall in the middle of nowhere, so everybody and their mom wanted to order food from there every day. We made pizzas, sandwiches, deep fried foods, scooped ice cream, things that any other fast food place would make. Working there was an experience that I will probably never forget. My fellow fast food people will probably recall burning yourself daily or encountering rude customers, while asking yourself why you do not get paid enough.
I am glad those days are far behind me, but these Good Burger gifs are always here to remind me of those teen days sweating inside a tiny, greasy kitchen.
1. When a customer comes in and you have perfected your fake customer service voice:
2. Not to forget that fake "happy to serve you" smile:
3. When it's the lunch/dinner rush and there are 10 orders that need to be made so you start losing track of them all:
4. When a customer asks for a cheeseburger without cheese, so you charge them for a hamburger and they get irrationally angry:
5. When you can't read the handwriting on the slip and it's too busy to ask any guestions:
6. When your coworker is lazy and incompetent and you just want to smack them with a deep fryer:
7. We all know that one customer who's thrown food back at you:
8. When it's getting close to the end of your shift and you start to lose your sanity:
9. When you pass the point of not caring anymore and you start to lose focus:
10. How you feel at the end of a shift covered in an inch of grease:
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