When we're little, we're always happy and so carefree, and if we are sad, we usually get over it pretty quickly and go back to being kids. It makes it seem like you're mostly happy and sometimes sad.
Then you grow up and you go through some tough things, things that you shouldn't go through at your age. Things that change you and break you.
Things that you have to take time to heal from, maybe even your whole life. You realize life is hard and suddenly there are more bad days than there are good. You're constantly trying to look for that happiness and trying to escape from real life just for a few seconds. Just to escape from the pain and frustration of it all. We crave so much to be happy that we get absorbed into being miserable. I always wondered why Eeyore in Winnie-the-Pooh was always so sad and depressed. Why couldn't he just lift himself up and be happy? Then I got older and I went through some things, and Eeyore's character started to make more sense to me. It's not always that easy to pick yourself up emotionally.
We're all healing from something. Whether it's depression, the loss of a loved one, a family falling out, a bad accident and the list goes on.
We all have emotional scars from things in our past. Yes, some more than others. This can make every day different. Some days you're so ready to take on the world, you feel like no one can stop you and that you're strong enough to take on anything. This turns out to be a good day and all the pain and suffering doesn't feel so bad anymore. Then there are some days when you have to use every ounce of effort you have to make yourself get out of bed. You feel sensitive and numb. You just want to crawl in a hole and escape reality and all of a sudden you're drowning in that pain and miserableness again. This is life. This is reality. Every single person reading this can relate in some way whether you want to admit it or not.
Recently I heard some of the best advice when it comes to being happy, "happiness is a mood, not a destination" (Thank you One Tree Hill).
Once we realize that happiness is just like being hungry or tired, we'll be happy more often. We never say one day I'll be hungry, but we do say one day I'll be happy. Why? These are both moods we feel in life. They aren't permanent, they come and go. We need to learn and realize that our happiness will come and go and that it's OK to be miserable from time to time.
You have to learn to support yourself during the good and bad days.
Love yourself through both, learn through both. Life comes with ups and downs, we all know that. So, enjoy this wild journey that we call life while you still can. Like I always say, it could be worse.