One of the first skills you are taught when you are little is how to be friends with someone you've never met. Over the years, those friendships grow and change according to who you will be. Some of those friendships might come to a fateful end. However, in every persons lifetime, there is that one friend who you thought would be your ride or die, your sister or brother, your best friend until the end, until one day you realize that friendship no longer exists.
I could sit around for days and recollect all the memories we had together. Those play dates when we were little, the multiple summers we spent entire weekends together, and all the holidays our families came together and were one; gone within the blink of an eye. The many milestones we hit together are difficult to be forgotten; our first cell phones, our graduations from one school to the next, driver's ed, and now moving on to college in different places.
There is no place in my heart or mind that wishes anything bad for you. In fact, I only wish the best for you in your collegiate life and career. In my mind I can tell myself that it wasn't my fault but I'll never know if that's actually true or not. We grew up, involved ourselves in different things, took separate paths, but now what?
It's my turn to say thank you.
Thank you for helping me be who I am today. Without you or our time together, my life wouldn't be the same.
Thank you for being my support. Despite my many phases, boy crazy moments, or spontaneous (sometimes stupid) ideas, you have been there to tell me to keep my mind focused on my goal.
Thank you for encouraging me. You are one of the first people I told about wanting to be an incredible musician. Even though that wasn't the path for you, you told me to go for it because I didn't have anything to loose.
Thank you for being my reason to smile. There are many points in my life I have cried more than smiled but you were the reason I smiled in those rough times. There wasn't once you couldn't bring up a true smile even with tears streaming down my face.
There are some days I look at old pictures and memories but that's all they'll ever be; cherished memories.
Ultimately, thank you for everything.
I love you always.
But I sure do miss you.