And if you don't follow these rules, I'm not saying that you have the maturity of a 5-year-old. Just kidding. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Share. Sharing is caring! When you were little, this meant letting other kids play with your toys, making sure everyone got a turn on the swings at recess and letting your best friend use your favorite crayon for coloring.
In college, sharing is still important. For example, please share your pizza with me when you order it. I'm hungry and poor. Share your Netflix account with me because you love me that much. Share your printer with me because mine literally never works.
Don't be mean. This is literally the most basic of basic rules — or at least, I hope that's how you feel. "Treat others how you want to be treated," right? When you were younger, this meant don't throw your Legos at other kids, don't call each other names and if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Nowadays, being nice still applies to basically everything, aside from throwing Legos at each other, because I'm sure someone somewhere has turned that into a strange drinking game. But still, don't call each other names, don't say mean things, and don't treat each other badly. I think a lot of us forget this one. If you think I'm talking about you, I totally am. So be nice!
You don't have to "fit in" to be cool. The kid who shamelessly wore his Pokemon shirt to class was the one we all joked about, but we all secretly wanted that shirt too. We were just too scared to wear it so it was easier to tell him that he smelled bad and wore dumb clothes. Pokemon shirt kid was probably the coolest kid in class anyway because he wore that shirt proudly.
In a college setting, anyone who deviates from the norm is immediately regarded as an outcast. Her shoes are strange, he listens to weird music, she never goes out on the weekends, so they don't fit in. But you know, strange shoe girl, weird music guy and girl who stays in on the weekends are probably all awesome people. Keep doing you.
Be polite. This used to mean say "please" and "thank you," don't chew with your mouth open and don't stick your tongue out at people.
Realistically all of these things are still true. If a hot guy holds the door for you, for the love of God thank him. Don't make rude faces at people because that's ridiculous. And remember that it shouldn't be a hassle to ask someone how they're doing or say hello. If that's difficult for you, go back to kindergarten and relearn it.
The opposite sex is gross. In both stages of life, boys are disgusting and weird. This is a general girl consensus. And I can't really speak for guys because no one ever knows what you're thinking anyway. You make fun of girls when you like them, whether that be for her light-up Hello Kitty shoes, or the dress she wore to class on Tuesday.
Everything has consequences. When you were younger, this meant that if you hit Billy, you would have to sit in a time out. When you're in college, this means that if you watch six hours of Netflix every day for a month, you'll fail all your exams. The concept is the same.