Oprah Winfrey rightfully stole the show this year at the 2018 Golden Globes with her affirming words, and stunning grace on the stage. Although I did not watch the awards show myself, I heard endless positive feedback on Winfrey's speech and decided to watch it. After indulging in every word, I felt the goosebumps instantly cover my body. As a woman in a world dominated by the power of men, I, for the first time, felt proud to be a woman. I truly believe that Winfrey's speech is the start of a new world, and a new society in which woman can truthfully, wholly, and marvelously be themselves in every way they dream.
Winfrey stated, "what I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have", reassuring women to never hold back what rests in their minds for the sake of men, or for the sake of those who fear the wise words of a woman. The sad truth of it all, is that we have trained and forced ourselves to please the minds of others, as that is what women do.
As Winfrey continued, she mentioned how "She lived as we all have lived, too many years in a culture broken by brutally powerful men" - this quote struck me. I thought of men such as Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, Charlie Sheen, and many other men who have gone unnamed. These men have given themselves the right to harm women physically, mentally, and emotionally without a thought of regret or remorse.
Although I have not personally been affected by the actions of men, I have witnessed it and I have educated myself on the topic. Women need to rise together and speak the truth, even if the truth is painful and difficult to discuss. Imagine raising a daughter in a world like the one we have today. Imagine your daughter being tormented by the words and hands of a boy/man who believes himself to be doing his rightful "duty". Imagine your daughter not being able to follow her dreams and goals in life because a man tells her she is incapable. No female should ever have to live in such a state. Every women and every girl should be comfortable, and every women should be equal.
Winfrey finished with these final words: "And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say "Me too" again". I have endless respect and gratitude for Winfrey as she spoke the minds of every women, and took the first step towards a world of overdue equality.