When first attending a large university, you do not truly know how large a campus can be. Part of you may think that every building is close together, and you will learn the hard way that they are anything but close. It will never cross your mind that getting lost almost every day is a completely normal incident, or that you will download the school map on your phone because it becomes a lifesaver.
But believe me, throughout your four years at college, you have a high chance of being the student sprinting to your class on the other side of campus while holding your Starbucks drink, and nobody will even look twice. But hey, college is the best four years of your life! Here are some signs you know you attend a large university:
1. When you use the campus map each semester to find buildings
2. When “Want to meet at Starbucks?” can cover a 5-mile radius
3. When it takes 45 minutes to find a parking spot and it may not even by close to where you need to be
4. When parking decals sell out within 15 minutes
5. When it is hard to find any open table or computer at the library... forget it if you are looking for an outlet
6. When you can’t decide who to sit next to in class because there are so many students
7. When you are involved in too many GroupMe chats
8. When any line for food on campus can take hours
9. When 9 out of 10 students are wearing greek life apparel
10. When it is more convenient to take the shuttle to campus rather than driving yourself
11. When almost every vehicle you walk past on campus has a parking ticket
12. When you have a 140,000 square foot rec center, but still must wait in line to get in
13. When there is a surcharge for an Uber on Tuesday night
14. When there is enough student housing to house an entire city
15. When graduation is not just one day, but multiple days in a row
16. When the line to talk to your professor is almost a mile long at the end of each class
17. When you walk at LEAST 4 miles a day just going to your classes
18. When the student body accounts for 85% of the town’s population
19. When some of your professors do not believe in BlackBoard
20. When sorority houses are the go to place for lunch
21. When you have to pay for football season tickets
22. When frat house parties are more popular than bars
23. When you see new students everyday even if you take the same path
24. When it is impossible for your professor to take attendance, because there is at least 200 students
25. When the most crucial means of transportation around campus is a skateboard or bicycle
26. When you never want to come back home, because your university is its own little world