Veganism has always been something that has fascinated me. I love watching documentaries about plant-based diets and how they have transformed the lives of countless people. I decided that I wanted to try a vegan diet firsthand to truly see the amazing benefits that so many other people have experienced. For this past month, I have been eating an entirely vegan diet. Even though I have been a vegan for only a month, I have already begun to notice the amazing effects it has had on my overall health and wellbeing.
Since I was young, I have always favored a vegetarian, plant-based lifestyle. Growing up, I despised meat. Not necessarily for the environmental effects of meat, but simply because I did not like the taste. I would refuse any type of meat that my parents tried to serve me. As a child, I was the biggest fan of cheese. But, a few years ago, I found out that I am allergic to eggs and dairy. For me, veganism seemed like the perfect diet.
I don't think that going vegan is easy, but it's also not as challenging as I thought it would be.
At first, my grocery trips took a bit longer because I had to read the labels on every food item before purchasing it. But, after a while, you learn how to quickly know whether or not something is vegan. My greatest challenge thus far has been finding options at restaurants. At any restaurant, salad is almost always an option for vegans. But, for me, I wanted to find things at restaurants that were actually filling and not simply a basic salad.
One of the main benefits of going vegan was an improvement in my overall health and energy levels. I felt that I had more energy to workout and began to go to the gym more consistently. I also think that eating a vegan diet helped me to feel rested and get a good night's sleep. I realized that by eating the foods I was allergic to, I had been lowering my body's energy levels and harming my overall health. I also began to feel more excited about the foods I was eating and was more willing to spend time researching recipes to try.
After being vegan for a month, I know that this is something I want to continue in the long-term. I now fully understand that a vegan diet is much more than just a diet, it's a lifestyle choice. I think that going vegan is a commitment to living a healthy lifestyle; one in which you and the environment benefit. It's also a commitment to eating what makes you feel your best, rather than following the typical diet of society.
One challenge of veganism is that it is often met with judgment and criticism. This past month, I have experienced my fair share of judgment and misunderstandings from other people. My response to that is simply to understand that people pass judgment on things they find threatening or things they simply do not understand. It's important to never take these criticisms to heart. Everyone has the ability to choose their diet and to eat what makes them feel their absolute best.