In today's world, hookup culture has become more prominent than I feel it has ever been. At an age where people used to look for someone to spend their life with, people are now just looking for someone to spend the night with.
Relationships are hard, let's be honest. But in today's society people are so easy to give up on anything that takes time and hard work. In my generation all people are worried about is pleasure without the commitment.
I'm not saying I want to jump into a relationship, or that anyone should because that is definitely not it. I enjoy dating around, however, it would be nice if a man wanted to hang out with me before 10 at night. We live in a world where men and women alike are more likely to ask someone to come over for "adult fun" instead of asking them to dinner. All people want to know is what your favorite position is, instead of your aspirations and your story. No one wants to take time out of their day to get to know anyone anymore and actually date. That's just obviously too much to ask.
Like I said before, I like being single, and I enjoy dating around, however sometimes I would like to be appreciated more and feel wanted, and not just for sex. I want to feel like the person I am talking to, whether we are dating yet or not, appreciates me and wants to take me out. The problem with people today is that that seems a little unrealistic because sadly that isn't what people are looking for anymore.
Both men and women are scared. Scared to be in a relationship, scared of the feelings, the work, and the time it takes. They are wanting all the play without any of the efforts. It's easy now, and guess who made it that way. We did. I, along with several other people my age, have fallen to someone who made us think we could be more than a late night Netflix and chill. You're told that they will take you out tomorrow, but when tomorrow comes they become busy, but would love to see you tonight around 11.
Hooking up with someone on a Friday night may make for a fun story to tell your friends, but is that really what we have come to? A fun story? We should not lower our standards or our values for one night of fun.
Our generation has become so enthralled with the idea of being "independent" and "not needing anyone else" that we push away those who are trying to treat us well. It is okay to let someone buy you a drink, it is okay to do something other than lay in bed together. Is it wrong to hook up with people? Absolutely not, if you and your partner have decided that is what works best for you, go for it. However, at some point, it needs to stop. One person will always be left wanting more, and that only causes sadness and heartache.
So to everyone out there, be independent, date more than one person, explore what you like and dislike. Don't get so caught up in it that you are solely seeking someone to keep your bed warm.