I grew up on really good music. From a very young age, I have been cultivating a love and appreciation for music. A personal favorite of my mom's has always been Fleetwood Mac, and by proxy, it was a favorite of mine also. I recently experienced what I suppose I could call, not
The Pretenders opened for her, and I can honestly say I knew more Pretenders songs than I previously thought I did. They were good, and it was exciting -- but let's all be honest, who can patiently rock out to another group when you're waiting to see Stevie freaking Nicks? Not me, evidently. I can't say the same for the guy sitting in front of me though. He was feeling it. Their stage set up was really cool (see below), I have to admit. OK, back to Stevie.
There was a brief (and by brief I mean agonizingly long -- turns out when you buy tickets in September to see Stevie Nicks, waiting 25 more minutes
Then it happened. Her band came out first and started the song and then she walked out. I became really emotional. I teared up and my mom had to hold me. After the song was over, she greeted us and it was excellent. She specifically mentioned that her set was different from the sets she's done in the past -- she said that on this tour she's basically doing all the songs she always wanted to do but never did. Treat
That's her -- the Queen herself. A picture taken on my humble iPhone, no less. I feel #blessed. After she talked to us for a little while, she got back to singing, because that's what we all paid for, after all. And the guy in the butterfly-patterned shirt in front of me kept on rocking out.
She was just singing along and then she segued right into "Dreams" and everyone in the audience pooped their pants. Honestly, it was such a simple thing, but we were all already so enamored. Like, she could have eaten an apple on stage, and we all would have pooped our pants. Below is a low-quality picture of a high-quality transpiration of events.
All in all, it was the most magical experience to have graced my life thus far and arguably probably one of the coolest things I'll experience. So in other words: "I'll never live to match the beauty again." This was truly something to remember.