"You don't know how to have fun," "party pooper," "boring." Those are just some things that have been said to me while I dared explained the possibility of using my free time, to NOT drink to the point of forgetting my whole night.
Why is it that suddenly I'm the misfit and the girl who doesn't know how to have a good time, because I would rather write a song, read a book, spend time with my family, and enjoy life's gifts...instead of chugging an unhealthy amount of alcohol with people I barely know (or know very well).
You know what's fun? Being the person out at some dance or party, and having people say: "Wait...she didn't drink?" or "She's not high?" No. No. And No.
The thing is if I can have just as much fun remembering my night, then why do people choose to blackout or get "wasted," as they say. I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound appealing to me at all and definitely not attractive on any intellectual level. What do you gain by letting loose in that manner? There are other ways. I promise. Trust me, I can be the life of the party as much as I want because I CAN enjoy myself...but I'd rather do it my way.
Just in case this needs to be said...this isn't against those that choose to party all the time. That's great...for you. But don't put me down just because you can't see my side.
It hurts. It really does. Being that "loser" and a "goodie two shoes" is considered bland and weird. Have you ever thought that the fact that people do the same thing every single night with their friends and only have pictures to remember those nights, is weird to me? You call it living? I call it a waste.
Now don't get me wrong...I like my fair share of wine...WITH my dinner and to unwind, but I don't need a night of partying to consider myself a "fun" person.
And that is my rant. Thanks for reading. If you part, good for you… but don't put others down. Thank you and good day sir!