My twin sister is without a doubt my best friend in the whole entire world. For nineteen years we've been by each other's sides through every up and down that life has thrown us. However, I chose a college in our hometown, and she chose a college 268 miles away.
1. You realize how much time you haven't had alone
Lindsay Messina
Having your own room? Doing everything without someone by your side? You haven't had to do this since that one week your twin did a service trip to another city last summer. It's a freeing but lonely experience at the same time.
2. Your phone usage goes up by 110%
You constantly text, call, and FaceTime one another at every free moment you have. I complained to someone that I didn't get to talk to my twin all day, but in reality we texted all day and had two phone calls. It's just different. But you get used to it with time!
3. You talk to them and then remember they aren't there
I cannot tell you how many times I did this the first month at my new college. I would wait for an answer, get annoyed, and then realize that I would have to pick up my phone.
4. You accidentally call your new friends by their name
This is especially true when you get frustrated or angry. You can't help it at all, but it just naturally escapes.
5. You stalk all of their new friends on social media
Are they good enough for your best friend? Time to find out. If you don't think they are, it's time to make that more than clear to your twin.
6. You update one another on EVERYTHING (no matter how mundane)
"I just got a smoothie after class!" "No way, I JUST got a smoothie this morning!"
7. You're still each other's biggest cheerleaders
It's just a little different, but your love and support is still as strong as ever. If a class or drama at school ever gets you down, you know you unconditionally have someone who will always be there for you to help work things out.
8. Your reunions are better than any holiday, birthday, or present combined
Lindsay Messina
Coming home for break or going to visit is basically what gets you through each semester.
9. You actually grow closer
Lindsay Messina
It's strange, because you think distance would make you grow apart, but it's the exact opposite. Your bond has never been stronger.
10. You realize just how much they mean to you
Lindsay Messina
You wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. They are the best person you know, and their university is beyond lucky to have them. You know they are going to accomplish great things and you can't wait to be by their side when that happens!