Being a Christian is less about attending church once a week and more about living your life for and like Jesus. When you decide to give your life to Jesus, you're dedicating everything you have and everything you are to and for his glory.
There are a lot of people who claim to be Christians, but they strive to sin instead of striving to be like Jesus. What do I mean by this? I mean that there are Christians who spend their time planning when they will do their next negative and sinful thing instead of trying to help others and love on their community. As Christians, we are called out to walk like Jesus did, meaning we need to try our best to walk a sinless life. Yes, everyone sins. Did you know that things like bitterness, lust, and ridiculing one another are considered sins? All sins are the same in God's eyes, and we all fall short of the glory of God. Everyone has something they need to work on, but they should give it to God and work on it that way instead of working on it through earthly desires.
I've come across many people who claim to be religious. I don't see being a Christian a religious act, I see it as a walk with God. It's a day to day lifestyle that isn't meant to just be displayed once a week. They always say that actions speak louder than words, which in this case fits perfectly. There's a famous saying that says, "Just going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car." - G.K Chesterton.
Now, I'm not saying that attending church isn't necessary, but just checking the "I'm here" box doesn't show the right heart. It's like saying "Hey God, I'm here now give me blessings." It is important to go to church and gather with your fellow Christians to publicly share and declare your love to God, but you can't clock out right after the message is over. Sometimes there is work that needs to be done before you can receive a blessing from God because he works in his timing. He doesn't work like a genie in a bottle. You can't wish for something then expect for it to happen automatically or even at all. The path he has set for us is greater than the one we have set for ourselves. God knows what is best for us and our futures.
Being a Christian is noticing that God's will for your life is greater than your own. It's living a lifestyle like his and noticing that we need God to guide us. Christianity is more than the decision between heaven and hell, it's about making your life here on earth to show his glory. It's important to not only be a believer, but also a follower and disciple. God doesn't call us to go to church, he wants us to be the church that is a light to the world. When people look at you, they should see something different and something that stands out, and that something should be the love of Jesus.