For as much as we plan, life can never go exactly the way we want it to. The unexpected is inevitable and instead of planning for our desires, we need to plan for bumps in the road. As children most of us were encouraged to be what we wanted and had the support of our loved ones. But what about those of us who were never told we can be anything? What about those of us that can't say we have loved ones?
The truth of the matter is that life is hard and it doesn't get any easier. In the 20 years I've been alive, I've had to deal with a lot. Too much some people would say but it doesn't matter to me. I am a product of my past in the sense that I am who I am because of it. I do not deny that. What I do deny however, is that the past is my excuse for not performing to the best of my potential.
I refuse to believe that where I come from and where I live is a determining factor on how my life is going to look in the future. I am very aware of the culture of my environment, the stereotypes and the social injustice. I am not ignorant to the fact that things around me are not going too well, but this is my motivation to get through these bumps in the roads.
One thing I have learned from going through "too much " is that I have to keep going. Why stop and be swallowed by your troubles? Why stop and overthink and drive yourself crazy thinking about the problem at hand when you can get up, dust yourself off and begin to search for a healthy solution. One of my favorite quotes was said by Winston Churchill and he said, "If you are going through Hell, keep going." I know it's cliche to say, but things will get better.
The sun will still rise the next day, the birds will still chirp and if you look outside your window, the world is still moving forward. Life doesn't wait for anyone and it's definitely too short to be wasted huddled up under your dark storm cloud. Look to your friends, look to your loved ones for support, if they really are your friends they will support you in expedition out of the valley and celebrate with you when you reach the mountaintop.
Too many of us complain about "The System" and how it works against us but at the end of the day if it's opposing you, you still have a chance at succeeding. The only difference is that the odds are not in your favor.
My point is, we need to expect the unexpected in terms of life. When those moments of uncertainty do hit, we can't freeze up and not act. Russ, the artist said it best, " Lookin' for the blame, quit playin' the role of a victim!
Be the products of your thoughts not a product of the system!"