I have always been someone that is in constant need for change or a new adventure. The adventure does not have to be a big one like flying out to a new city or country but just trying something new. While having a discussion with some friends I stumbled upon how we let going somewhere alone dictate if we go or not. Most of the time we are worried about finding someone who can go with us. There a lot of things that may hold you back from doing something that you wanted to do, maybe it's a prior commitment or something that came up last minute. Going alone should not be one of the reasons.
From personal experience, when I have gone to places alone it can be very relaxing. I am a huge Disney lover, so with that being said, yes, I have gone to Disney alone. I just put some headphones in while I was walking around the park and went straight to the rides that I wanted to go on. Plus, I got to meet and talk to some really cool people; a lot of them at Disney World for the first time ever. I have also gone to Universal and concerts alone, and here I have met some friends as well.
It is common to have anxiety about having to go somewhere by yourself. We as humans are social beings so when you don't know anyone it is normal to feel out of place. Nothing abnormal about that. What may help is to remind yourself that all it takes is "20 seconds of insane courage" to make something happen. To make a friend, to make an impact, to try something new. Just 20 seconds.
20 Seconds of CourageBenjamin Mee, We Bought a Zoo
Here are some things you can do to strive solo: Remind yourself that you are not the only one that is doing something by themselves, start small then work your way up (so if you usually go to the grocery store or shopping with someone, go alone not for a long time just for a little), go to a park or coffee shop to read a book or journal, and think of it as self care or alone time to de-stress from your busy week. The more you get comfortable with being alone in different scenarios the more likely you will be willing to go to a theme park, convention, or concert on your own after some time. I'm not saying to live in complete solitude but to learn how to work towards being a little more independent.
You shouldn't miss out on amazing opportunities or experiences because someone else didn't want to go. I can't tell you enough how many times I have not gone to an event because no one was available. I always regret it. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Don't be the one to regret it! Be the one to live the experience. Don't let Solo keep you from Striving!