Going out in college, I can imagine, is quite similar to going out on the Upper East Side -- of course minus the thousand dollar dresses and expensive champagne. Instead, we settle for cheap heels, cheap clothes and cheaper booze. Regardless of the differences in price, the events of the night are pretty similar.
1. Getting ready for the night
Isn't it ironic that we spend so much time getting ready to stand in a dark party or a dark bar?
2. Taking a million pictures until you find one that you kinda maybe like
3. When you friend tells you you've "drank too much at the pregame"
There. Is. No. Such. Thing.4. Ordering Uber's to the bar and somehow you're a car short
No matter how many times you count the number of people in the room, you always miss at least one.
5. When you're a little early so your only option is to hit the bar
6. That one person who wants to have a conversation that you haven't talked to in months
7. And then that weirdo starts to hit on you and thinks he has a chance
8. Finally your friends walk in
9. Towards the end of the night when you offer to buy everyone a round
It's a really great idea until I check my bank statement in the morning.
10. When you realize how much you've actually had to drink
11. When the bar closes and you can finally get pizza
12. Finally crawling into bed
Most of the time, I wonder why I even leave it
13. Waking up in the morning and reevaluating all the choices you made last night
"I'm never going out again" are usually the first words I say.
14. Realizing how terrible you feel because of alcohol
How could something I love so much hurt me so badly???15. Reading your messages from the night before
For real, someone needs to take away my phone.
16. Realizing it's only Friday and you have to do it all again tonight
17. Then you contemplate staying in...
18. Then laugh at yourself because that's ridiculous
19. So you call up your friends and start the whole thing over
Cheers to you!xoxo, Gossip Girl