Spring break is right around the corner and there's nothing (besides summer break) that college students look forward to more than this. And our inner Corinne Olympios captures exactly how we all feel during Spring Break.
1. When it's FINALLY spring break.
2. But then realizing you didn't get your body bikini ready.
3. Making so many plans this week! *what really happens*
4. Getting to eat your mom's (or nanny's) home-cooked meals.
5. Catching up on all your favorite shows.
6. When you finally get to lay out in the pool.
7. When your friends plan on going to the beach during the day but you work.
8. Ignoring all the work that you know is due after spring break.
9. When it's the end of the week and you haven't done anything but sleep and Netflix.
10. When your professors send emails reminding you what's due after break.
11. When spring break ends way too soon.
Oh Corinne, you so get us. Happy spring break!