Contrary to popular belief, college is not all fun and games. The movies make it seem like your professors will be super chill, and you will never have to do work. You'll have plenty of time to party and have fun without the stress of school work and responsibilities nagging you constantly. The threats from your high school teachers didn't seem real to you at the time. You figured that since you survived high school, you could survive almost anything, But in reality, college is hard and not just academically. It's hard to be away from your family. It is exhausting keeping up with all the responsibilities on your own, and it is hard to find time to relax and recharge. So here are a few reasons why going home can be super beneficial.
You have time to catch up on sleep.
Being a student is draining. You hardly get enough sleep at night because you are either worrying about what you have yet to do or you are up studying for that test you have tomorrow. At home, you don't have to worry about school or work. You can go to sleep and wake up whenever you want to.
It's practically free.
By going home, you don't have to pay for some expensive beach trip. Your parents pay for your food, so you don't have to pay to eat out like you would if you would have gone somewhere else. You can save up all this money you're not spending for when you go back to school.
You can catch up on school work.
By the time spring break rolls around, you feel like you are drowning in school work. You are constantly living between deadlines and stressing about what comes next. Having the week off in a relaxing environment gives you plenty of time to get caught back up and even get ahead.
You get to spend time with your family.
It’s nice to be surrounded by your family and the people you love. You don’t have to worry about impressing anyone or making awkward plans that you really don’t want to go through with. You just get to enjoy a relaxing time with the people that mean the most to you. Family is important. Taking the time out now to spend time with you little brother who’s still in high school or your grandparents who don’t get a lot of visitors means a lot to you and to them.
Even though going home isn't as exotic as going to spend a week on the beach in some tropical paradise, home is where you can always go home to recharge. Home will always welcome you with open arms, and sometimes it's good to get away from all the chaos of school and work and enjoy the comfort of being home.