Once you have established your place at your college or university, it can be very difficult to leave to go home. Even though there may be some skepticism about whether or not it is a good thing, I believe that going home every once in a while can be rather healthy for a student. Here are five reasons why;
1. The food
I know you may love your Ramen Noodle nights, but when you go back home, those days are over... At least for a few days or so. At home you can receive a home cooked meal, and if you are crazy like me and love to bake, you can also bake your little heart out into hundreds of cookies and brownies. For food at my college, there is not much of a choice to what I want to have, especially since I am a very picky eater. Back at home, my mother can make Shepard's Pie (I am French-Canadian so it always tastes so good), American Chop Suey, and many more. Basically, I have a lot more of a variety when I go back home.
2. Sleep
I do not know about you but when I am away at school, I do not get any sleep. When I am home though, I get the opportunity to catch up on some z's. You would think that being away from home and having all this free time, you would be able to sleep.... Well yeah, at my school, sleep does not exist apparently.
3. Getting to see your siblings
Now I know there may be some only children out there, but for many, seeing their siblings can be a great thing when returning home. I know for myself personally, I love going back home and being greeted at the door by my two baby sisters who one is two years old and the other is four years old. My seventeen year old sister is just ehhh. Honestly, seeing all of them is a nice treat to come home to. Especially since I get to play with the kids' toys (if you could not tell I am a little kid at heart).
4. Your own room
Do not get me wrong, I love sharing a room with my two roommates, and my dorm may be much larger than my actual room, but just being able to be in my own room where I grew up has this nostalgic feeling that I am sure everyone can relate to. It just feels great to be home when I get to sleep in my comfortable queen sized bed.
5. Away from all the familiar
College in a new town may be great and all, but after a while you start to miss home and how it is and feels back where you grew up. I go to college in Eastern Mass in the Boston area, while I live in Western Mass in the Springfield area. They are both polar opposites, so when I go home it feels like a whole different world. Going back home makes me feel sane at the end of the day.