As Thanksgiving approaches, most of us are making our plans to travel home and celebrate the holidays with our families. This is a joyous time because going to class, writing papers, taking exams, and all the hustle and bustle is put on pause for a few days. Thoughts of fall decor and pumpkin pie draw us home.
Let's be real, though. There are a few things about going home for the holidays that can be annoying.
1. Your little brother eats all of the food in the entire house before you can even pour a bowl of your favorite cereal.
2. All of your older relatives ask you about your love life.
3. You try to help cook, but you can't.
4. When you just want to spend some time alone but nobody lets you.
5. When the topic of GPA comes up with your parents.
6. When you get asked 52 times about your post grad plans.
7. When something controversial comes up at the dinner table.
In reality, we all love going home for the holidays despite the chaos. We are blessed by the time we get to spend time with our families and that we even get to have families. May your holidays be good through the crazy.