The excitement that Spring Break brings to college students is not exaggerated one bit. Being able to finally relax about six weeks of intense classes and worse of all, Midterms. And to make it worse, the nice warm summer weather which gives us all the case of Summer Fever is finally back around. Yet, there is something special about going home to see everyone and remembering that we are not alone on this journey of college.
Seeing Family
Being able to see family and have everyone ask you, "how is school going?", "are you dating anyone yet?", and of course, "how are you adjusting to college life?" These questions might seem tedious at the time, but it shows that they care about your schooling and want you to enjoy every second of this new experience.
Seeing Friends
Running the roads with the people who you are the second closest with besides family. Having sleepovers and bonding over the crazy stories of college life and how everything is going. Knowing friends are always there for you when you come home is the best feeling in the world. And of course, planning your group summer trip full of fun and craziness.
Going Back to Work
Being able to go back to the job that started my desire to be a teacher and remind myself of why I want to teach is amazing. Needing a boost of confidence that all this schooling will be worth it in the end. Having 15 preschoolers running and hugging you, telling you how much they missed you and wish you could stay there.
No More Walking Outside for Food
Know this one might seem silly to those who don't go away for college, but having to walk outside in whatever weather is occurring can be annoying for some, much like myself. Being home allows you to walk right down the hallway or stairs and never leave the comfort of your pajamas!
Enjoy the Comfort of Your Own Bedroom
Sometimes, college dorms aren't the most comfortable and all you want is to be able to do is lay in your own comfy bed, surrounded by the memories you hold close in that room. For me, that was not possible for my room is now an office, but for others, it is one of the best things to come home to.
Being Able to Snuggle Your Pets
Coming home, to a pet who is super excited to see you just brightens up your day. Knowing that they missed you as well and want to snuggle with you while you are home is one of the best feelings ever.
Escaping the Reality of College and Life
Being home, in your comfort zone, allows you to connect with yourself again and remember why you are at college and lets you refresh and relax before beginning the second half of the semester. Midterms are scary but not as scary as taking finals at the end of the semester.
Helping Make Yummy Treats to Take Back to College
Weeks before leaving for spring break, some of the most important things were discussed; one of which was family favorite foods. So, of course, that made me crave my dad's Banana Pudding and Homemade Mac and Cheese. And what's better than eating it alone; eating it with your roommate and friends after an abundance of homework and exams.