If you've seen NBC's comedy sitcom , "Parks and Recreation", you probably know April Ludgate as the cynical yet witty character whose every line has probably been drenched in sarcasm. And with college students going home for winter break to spend time with their families and friends, I thought, what better way to describe the experience than through April Ludgate quips?
With that said, here are eight quotes that you may relate to if you are headed home this holiday season:
1. When you see your mom for the first time in weeks and she's a little more affectionate than you expected:

2. When you've just given your sister her Christmas present, but you're not really the touchy-feely type:
3. When you've had a long, stressful semester at college and you can't even remember what you're interested in outside of academics:

4. I'm sure you feel this way toward at least one person in your family: (Maybe an older sibling? Your aunt?)
5. If you're from a large family and everyone tries to talk to you about how you're doing and how's school and whether you've found a girlfriend/boyfriend yet, you will eventually find yourself thinking:

6. When you're watching your young cousins play an intense game of "Capture the Flag":

7. ...and then they ask you to join them:

8. Just because it's Christmas time:

Surely not everybody is
this moody or pessimistic about spending time with their families as I might have made it seem with these quotes, but we each have a hint of April Ludgate in us when it comes to extensive interactions with a nosy, energetic family.
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