During my first semester of my freshman year, I knew that something wasn't right. I loved my campus, I loved my major, but somehow my life wasn't complete. I remember the first time someone introduced the idea of Greek Life to me. I laughed at the thought and knew I couldn't be one of those girls. Well looking back, I'm so glad that my pre-conceived perception of Greek Life didn't deter me from joining my sorority. It was truly one of the greatest decisions I've made.
There are so many things Greek life has shown me, taught me and given to me...but these are the greatest five things about my experience:
Greek life has given me a family.
When I joined Alpha Delta Pi in the fall of 2014, I not only gained over 100 sisters, I became part of a community. The Greek community at my school is so amazing that it truly overwhelms me. There is always constant love and support, no matter the letters. Even though I'm far from my family, I can feel at home with my Greek brothers and sisters.
Greek Life has taught me the importance of self-respect and self-dignity.
When I was officially initiated, I realized the true importance of being a Greek woman. I am held to a higher standard and I should respect myself and others no matter what. I am constantly learning what it is to be an Alpha Delta Pi woman. The morals that my sorority and my sisters expect from me are essential for living in the world. They will prove me to be an outstanding coworker, wife and mother someday.
Greek Life has shown me selflessness.
I have found sisters who would give up their Saturdays to spend giving back to the community, supporting their sisters in good times and in bad and sisters who will drop anything at 3 a.m. to save you from any kind of conflict. This selflessness is something I have never experienced before. I am blessed to have some amazing, selfless sisters and I only hope that I can grow in selflessness every single day.
Greek Life has shown me that I can make a difference.
It only takes one person to make a change. I have been inspired by my Greek brothers and sisters to make an impact on my chapter, my campus and my community. I have also learned to never give up. If you're passionate about something, keep on fighting for it. Be the change you want to see in the world, in your chapter, on your campus and in your community.
Greek Life has strengthened my faith.
Knowing that my sorority was founded on Christian values made my decision to go Greek so much easier. Previously, I had no idea that the amount of Christians that made up the Greek community was so large. I have attended multiple Greek events put on by the Catholic student center, and this semester I have even started up a Bible study in my chapter. The support and encouragement from my Greek brothers and sisters has encouraged me to keep a relationship with Christ above all things.
Greek life has given me a safe place to feel loved, accepted, wanted and needed. I couldn't imagine my college experience without being a part of Alpha Delta Pi.
"From the outside looking in, you can't understand it. From the inside looking out, you can't explain it."