I've had at least four conversations with people this week about the overwhelming stress they are facing in their lives. Stress is consuming them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Project deadlines, job interviews, work, relationships...they all add up and if we're honest, we're all guilty of falling victim to the power of stress. Because of these conversations, I felt called to dig deeper into God's promises for the feelings we all battle from time to time.
Have you found yourself asking questions like: Am I a good enough student, a good enough daughter, a good enough Christian, a good enough friend? Will a boy find me good enough? Will an employer? These questions often swirl in my head and leave me feeling empty, worried, and anxious. But He stills my heart.
I say inadequate, He says I was bought with a price.
I say lonely, He says He's always there.
I say lost, He says destined.
I say weak, He says strong.
I say stressed, He says BLESSED.
The fears and stresses I have in the present day have already been conquered and spoken for by God. Be encouraged that God is not silent. He is not surprised or caught off guard. He is all-knowing. He knows you. He loves you.
Find peace this week knowing you are bought with a price, God is with you, you are destined, He is strong, and YOU are blessed.
For all my friends experiencing stress this week, I encourage you to download these images and set them as your screensaver each day. I created them just for YOU. Draw near to Him this week and He will draw near to you.