It's something that a lot of us will experience in our lives, and that is making the transition from a small town school to a bigger college or university. It can be a scary time for some people, but it is also very exciting time for many incoming new students.
That first week leading up to the day you move in is stressful and exciting. As you pack up your stuff and spend your last days at home, there's a lot running through you mind. You're excited to start this new journey, stressed from all the packing and sorting, sad to leave your family and hometown, and nervous about the change.
Then, it's finally the day.
You pack up all the vehicles with your life in items and drive off to your dream college. This is probably one of the most nervous and exciting times. You get there, get your place set up, and go around to your classes. It's definitely a big step up from high school. There's a lot more people and it's much harder to navigate. It'll take a couple runs through the buildings and halls before you really know where everything is. But don't let that scare you, because that stage doesn't last long. Once classes start, you'll realize that there's a lot more people there who are like you.
Realize that your instructors will be much more fun and easy to relate to. As you get used to the change, you'll love the new place you're in! You will get used to the new schedule and new friends and finally feel comfortable being independent. It's when you really get used to things that time starts to go fast, way faster than you could ever expect it to.