5 Cruise Surprises You Won't Expect | The Odyssey Online
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Going On Your First Cruise? Here Are 5 Things First-Timers Should Expect For Smooth Sailing

It's cruise season, baby!

Going On Your First Cruise? Here Are 5 Things First-Timers Should Expect For Smooth Sailing

It's finally here ladies and gentlemen, the happiest time of the year! The sun is always shining on these beautiful Summer days and your first cruise is quickly approaching with your loved ones, but what do you expect? How can one possibly survive a week at sea without phone service? Will I get seasick? What if the boat ACTUALLY sinks? These are all common questions you ask yourself before heading off on your first trip at sea, including myself.

Although it is always easy to assume the scariest outcomes before trying something new, going on a cruise with your family and friends is one of the best types of getaways. Want to know why? Keep reading for 5 things to expect on your first cruise that will surely give you the happiest and most relaxing vacation memories!

1. You are constantly surrounded by AMAZING food!

All you can eat buffets, different restaurants with endless types of food, unlimited ice cream, what more can you ask for!? Whether you want a quick bite to eat while you relax by the pool, or grab a late night snack after dancing the night away, there is an incredibly large amount of food options to choose from while cruising that can satisfy any craving!

2. You will never be bored, there is always something to do.

They say you can't always please everyone, but cruises sure can! If you like to sit back under the sun with a good book or a drink in your hand, watch Broadway shows, participate in different activities and contests by the pool, shop, or spend some quality time with your family playing games, you could possibly never be bored! Cruises offer a vast amount of different activities that surely can interest anyone at any point in the day. The best part of it all is that you ultimately have the option of doing as much as you want, or as little as you want, every day!

3. There is an incredibly friendly staff and positive atmosphere around the ship.

The people I met on my first cruise were by far the friendliest people I've ever met! Not only did I meet a lot of awesome vacationers, but also the crew members I've interacted with were genuinely so happy and polite all the time! How can someone constantly be so happy? It's because they overall want you to have a good vacation and give you a positive experience with that cruise line. Positive energy radiates off of everyone on the ship, which puts vacationers and the crew in a constant state of happiness, too!

4. Don't forget the beautiful location you're sailing off too!

Although cruising calls for a couple of days at sea before reaching your tropical destination, once you reach that beautiful spot, get your camera's ready for never-ending pictures! This is the time to really experience and appreciate why you went on a cruise with your loved ones in the first place. Take in every moment of being off the ship to dive into the true beauty and culture of the location!

5. You are given the opportunity to create everlasting moments and unforgettable memories.

There is something very special about traveling to a new place with your loved ones. It truly is a time to spend on yourself, and create special memories with your family or friends! You also have the chance to meet new people along this journey and experience something new like never before! It's like a movie that you never want to end. So for your first cruise, break out of your comfort zone, grab a drink by the pool, and get ready for some fun under the sun!

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