Daria Morgendorffer is a sarcastic, witty, and cynical high schooler in the hit animated MTV series Daria. Always found with a snarky retort hanging on the tip of her tongue, Daria doubtlessly embodies and advocates the typical sentiments empathized among students nationwide as they approach the end of their winter break. For as much as some may perk up at the prospect of reuniting with friends, the simple remembrance of the imminent stress and workload is enough to throw most into a catatonic state.
1. When you realize the semester is about to begin in a few days
2. When you and your friends meet up during the last days of break
3. When asking that one excited friend for a favor
4. When people ask if you're excited to go back to school
5. When people ask why you're being so negative about going back to school
6. When they ask how they can help you
7. On the morning of your first day back
8. When you're finally awake forty minutes later
9. When your mother comes to get you to get up
10. When you walk into your first class
11. When you're finally there
12. When your last class ends
13. When you survive the first day
14. When asked what you believe in, if not in coming back to school
Good luck to all the students returning to school after their winter break. You will survive.