Summer is ending, it is as simple as that. The only way you can escape the fact that school is coming is to hide away in your home until the first day of school, but for most of us escaping that back-to-school reality is near impossible. The coming of school can be found in the simplest of places like the grocery store, Walmart, or even your local radio station. I have never been someone who has minded going back to school. In fact, I love the school year, but seeing the constant coming of school can be quite depressing. Now, as a college student, I look at going back to school as being broke because, let's face it, these next two weeks before school will be some of my biggest bills of the year. Tuition is due and teachers are sending out book lists, so needless to say, it is a bit overwhelming and depressing. These costs are just some of the basic costs going back to school. Think about how much you spend on the simple things like dorm furniture, gas, and groceries. It can all add up super fast.
Now, that summer is practically over, I realize that I have only accomplished two things on my summer to do list. Literally two! Now, I am looking back on summer reflecting on what I have done this summer. I realize I have done nothing! Absolutely nothing! Seriously, the only thing I have done this summer is catch up on sleep and binge watch Netflix. I haven't even succeeded at binge watching Netflix. I haven't even made it through one series this summer. I failed this summer at being lazy, too. How is that even possible? It's possible when you have nothing motivating you to do anything.
Summer is supposed to be the best time of year, but I guess that isn't true. I for sure did not make the most of my summer. Do I regret not during more? Yes! However, even though I did not do a lot, I still made some memories. I made the most out of those moments, so maybe summer isn't about doing a bunch of crazy things and living the life to the fullest. Maybe it is making the most of what you do. Even though school may be coming very soon does not mean the adventure and fun is over. It means you will have different kinds of adventures. School does not have to be the villain taking over summer. It means you can look forward to seeing teachers and students again. You can better yourself and have fun. If you go into the school year with a negative outlook than you are going to miss all the positives. Think of the coming of school as something positive and it will be.