It’s happening again. Can’t you feel it? The grass isn’t growing as quickly, the pool is getting colder, the beach is less and less crowded by the day-- these signs can only mean one thing. School is coming.
I love being dramatic.
Yes, it’s almost time for school, and while some of us have our pens and Trapper Keepers ready to go, (way to show your age, Alyssa) the rest of us aren’t nearly as thrilled to be heading back. As we make our way through this turbulent time, we all must help each other out. I’ve personally found that humor is the best way to deal with situations like these, and there really isn’t anything funnier than Steve Harvey.
So have a laugh as he helps us express how we feel about going back to school.
1. When you’re driving around on the first day, trying to find a parking spot, but it’s the first day and everyone apparently forgot how to drive during the summer.

2. When you find a dope parking spot a few minutes later, by sheer luck, but who cares? The walk from here to your building isn’t going to make you turn into a puddle of sweat.

3. When the professor goes over the syllabus and then starts teaching. ON THE FIRST DAY.
4. When you realize you’ll have to walk across campus to your second class.

5. When you realize you’ll have to eat Don food again.

6. When you see a flock of freshmen wandering around campus start to break into a run when they realize they’re nowhere where they need to be.

7. When your professor says, “You can buy the book, but you don’t really need it. We won’t be using it that much.

8. When you’re told you have to do a group project for your final and the people you’re assigned to work with think that you’re all friends.
9. When a bunch of your friends are in your class.

10. When you see a bunch of cute guys on campus you’ve never seen before.

11. When you sit next to your friend you haven’t seen all summer.
12. When some freshman boy tries to chat you up.
13. When you see that same freshman boy try and chat up a freshman girl and it totally works on her so you have to give him props within his own age group.

14. When you’re actually genuinely interested in something you’ll be discussing/learning about this semester.
15. When some idiot sophomore in a philosophy class starts expounding on the nature of God or something when the professor asked if anybody had questions about the syllabus.
16. When it's the third day back and you already hate everything/one and you're really wondering to yourself how important can this degree really be.

17. When you're trying to leave at the end of the day and so is everyone else and it's a damned miracle that your car doesn't get hit.

18. When the professor asks if someone has any questions about the syllabus and some monkey wrench says yes.
19. When you and your friends intentionally cause trouble/are disruptive in class because you're bored and don't give a shit anymore.

20. When you realize that you're graduating soon and you'll have to be a real adult.
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