It’s that time again! Fall semester has officially begun. Of course starting a new semester is always exciting. We get to see our friends. We don’t have to listen to our parents telling us what to do anymore. We get to do whatever we want! While returning to school has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. Here are six things every student at Hampton can relate to about going back to school.
1. Moving in
It takes forever to make sure your room is just right. You have to unpack your entire life just to put it all away at the end of the semester.
2. Fixing your schedule
You’ve already spent forever creating the perfect schedule but it's never that easy. There is always that one class that’s closed that you have to beg your way into.
3. Waking up early
What’s an alarm? You get so used to waking up whenever you want during the summer time that it is nearly impossible to go back to waking up early for classes.
4. Cafeteria food
After a whole summer of eating whatever you want, you finally are forced to eat the stuff they call “food” in the cafeteria. Some nights you just go hungry because the “food” was that gross.
5. The “Hampton run-around”
It happens every year at Hampton University and I'm sure many other HBCUs. Whether it's getting your parking permit, new campus ID or financial clearance, it's always a hassle. You’re forced to run from Whipple Barn to the Convocation Center only to end up in the exact office you started off in.
6. Buying textbooks
Your professors stress how important it is for you to have them in class every day. Then you spend hundreds of dollars buying books only to use them like twice.
We all know it takes a little while to get back in the hang of things after summer break. We get so used to our summer routines that it becomes legitimately hard to get back into the school zone. It may be difficult now, but it will be completely worth it in the end. Make the most of your fall semester. This year will be over before we know it!