We’ve all just enjoyed a nice winter break where hopefully we all didn’t have to do much and got to enjoy minimal responsibilities. It was much needed after the fall semester, everyone needs a break after dealing with a million deadlines and stressed induced exams. But now we have rested, are probably a bit bored, and it’s time to go back to classes. This is probably what going back to classes will be like.
1. Discontent
Classes have started a suddenly you have million things to do again, even though just a few days ago you were sleeping in until noon. Good luck.
2. New People
Although, new classes, new people, so maybe it’s not so bad.
3. Squad
And now you’re back with your friends, which is pretty great.
4. Responsibilities
Once again you have probably bitten off more than you can chew as you get used to your work load and whatever the hell time management is, so you’ll probably have to suffer a bit until your find your balance again.
5. Age
It’s the spring semester, so no matter what year you are, you’ll feel like you own the place and you’ll probably look down on anyone who isn’t as “mature” and cynical like you are.
6. Enemies
You’ve also probably been reunited with that one person you can’t stand. But you’re an adult, so you’ll act appropriately.
7. Letting Your Sanity Go
Some time has passed and you’ve realized that composure you brought with you on the first day is long gone.
8. Sweet Spot
Eventually, you’ll reach that point in the semester where everything feels like it’s falling apart, but you’re still getting everything done and seem to be doing well, so I guess you’re fine? Congrats on being fully immersed in college.