In honor of the upcoming school year and the return of Fox's "New Girl" this September, I have decided to combine two of my favorite topics: "New Girl" and college. Going back to school can sometimes be a challenge, but thank goodness "New Girl" is here to save us all. If you've never had the chance to see an episode of "New Girl," I suggest you do. It's a great show for anyone and all audiences, but is specifically aimed at younger adults. The show will have you laughing like crazy and can be easily binge-watched. If you need a little more convincing, read on and look at the parallels between scenes from the show and the emotions and experiences one goes through when they go off to college.
1. When you start packing up all of your stuff from the summer and realize how unprepared you are to go back to school.
2. But, you choose to suppress your anxieties about the new semester because you're far too excited to see your college friends.
3. When you move into your apartment and realize you brought way too much stuff.
4. Then you look at your class schedule and realize that you have an 8am class every day.
5. When you begin calculating the amount of money you will need to afford those outrageously priced textbooks and start thinking about all the odd jobs you will have to do so you can avoid selling your left kidney.
6. When you are forced to make uncomfortable small talk with someone in class while they brag about how many summer vacations they went on and what interesting things they did/are accomplishing.
7. When you glance at the syllabus and realize that attendance is worth 60 percent of your grade and the final is worth the other 40 percent.
8. When the professor finally stops going over the syllabus and kills everyone's hopes and dreams by starting the "official lecture" and assigns homework.
9. Then the professor decides to single you out to answer a question, but you haven't been listening to him for the last 20 minutes.
10. When you contemplate how little sleep you're already going to get as you embark on your first all-nighter.
11. And the group project drama is too real for anyone to handle.
12. When you get home and realize that mom doesn't cook for you anymore and you have to fend for yourself. #ramenhereicome
13. And your bank account is so low you can't even afford said ramen noodles.
14. When all your distant relatives decide to call you on the phone and ask you how your first week back is going.
15. But then you successfully survive the school week and can finally go out and celebrate with your friends.
College can be hard, but when you have times as great as the cast of "New Girl," I'm sure you'll be off to a great start.