Honestly, high school wasn't that bad for me. I wasn't really bullied or picked on. Of course there was always stupid drama going on, but overall, it wasn't that horrific. If I were given the opportunity, I would do it all over again. I didn't actually enjoy it, but I didn't focus on my academics. I got too caught up in things that didn't matter like boys.
I consider myself to be pretty smart, and I've always done well in school. I never failed a class or even came close to failing a class. Throughout high school, I was always in honors courses, and I did pretty well in them. I usually waited until the night before to write a paper or to start a project. I'm fairly certain I pulled more all-nighters in high school than I did in college.
I took two AP courses in high school. I only signed up for one of the AP exams and didn't even study for it. I barely even paid attention in class, so I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw the score I had gotten. I didn't care though. I didn't think it could have helped me in the future. I knew AP classes could count as college credits, but I didn't know how important that could be.
Before my senior year, I planned on enlisting. I wanted nothing to do with college, so I never planned ahead. I didn't care about my grades as much as I should have, nor did I study for the SAT or ACT. I took an AP Psychology course which made me change my mind about college. I decided I wanted to go college for psychology, but I didn't make that decision until September of 2014 (I graduated June of 2015 and wanted to start college in the fall).
I quickly had to sign up to take the SAT and figure out where I wanted to go. This is when I realized I didn't have the grades for the big colleges I wanted to go to. While I love where I'm at, it's not what I had in mind. Even though I wanted to enlist, I wish I had prepared for college, too. It's always good to have a back-up plan because life will guide you in different directions sometimes.
So, yes, I would go back in time and do high school all over again. I would get more involved with clubs, organizations, etc. I would study more and put in more effort than I did before. I would take more AP courses for college credits, and I definitely would stay away from the boys and whatever other drama people try getting me involved in.
Going to college was one of the best decisions I ever made. I met some of my best friends here, and I get to explore and enjoy a new state, but I wish I had tried harder in high school. I would have been more prepared for college if I had.