As the end of August approaches, college students prepare to return to campus. The weeks leading up to move-in day seem to last an eternity as you desperately long for independence, your best friends, and an excuse to drink in excessive amounts without judgement. No matter who you are, most of us have the same thoughts and experiences when going back to college after a long summer. Who better to explain this than the characters of "The Office"?
1. Leaving your last day of your summer job.
When you pay $1000, a limb, and your first born child just to buy a book that you'll probably use for one homework assignment during the entire semester.
3. Pulling up to campus for the first time in months.
You own this place.
4. Seeing your roommates and best friends for the first time in what seems like FOREVER.
Hug them and never let go as you tell them about every single second of your summer (As if you hadn't been texting every day anyways).
5. When you're getting ready to go out for the first night back at college.
Months of sobriety, low alcohol tolerance, the vague memory of how much alcohol you can actually handle.....What could possibly go wrong?
6. Waking up the next morning after the first night back at college.
You've forgotten what a hangover feels like, and this is definitely your reminder.
7. The Sunday night before classes start.
This is the perfect time to reevaluate your life. Do you really need this degree?
8. Realizing that you actually have responsibilities now.
You're not ready to get your life together yet.
9. When your professor switches from the syllabus to chapter one on the first day.
Bonus points if there's a homework assignment.
10. Although class sucks, you can't help but thinking how educated you're going to be after this semester.
Bring on the semester.