Going away to college is weird.
It's the best thing you can do, but it also creates a weird experience of not really knowing where your home is. Whenever you are away, you miss home, but whenever you come home you miss being away. So where do you belong? Where are your roots?
It's a great feeling to come home and be surrounded by family, but after about a week, you are ready to go away again because home isn't exactly what you remember it being. So many things have changed while being away and whenever you come home, there is always something new.
Then, you are away again and you love being back with all of your friends and sharing stories, but then the home sickness kicks in again. You miss the feeling of being home and having your parents around. Then you start to get excited to go home and you can't wait for the holidays so you can spend it with your friends and family back home.
The process repeats of coming home and realizing that it isn't the place you remember. A lot of your friends from home are changing their lives and moving away or have changed so much that you don't know who they are anymore. Your family has changed or moved away, so you really only see your parents when you come to town. Everyone's lives have changed and you realize you've gotten used to the life you live in college, and coming home isn't as exciting as you build it up to be in your mind.
Don't get me wrong, coming home is great! But eventually the excitement wears off and suddenly you just want to go back to college where your friends are in walking distance and you have people to hang out with all the time if you wanted to, where as going home you have to work around work schedules and personal lives and other things that may get into the way of you being able to see the ones you love.
So, although going away to college is fun and a great experience, it also creates a weird atmosphere of not really knowing where you belong and living two completely seperate lives.