The influences that surround you when trying to pick a school can be extremely overwhelming: scholarships, room & board, commuting, etc. Besides all odds and factors, I can't imagine my life anywhere else but away at school.
I think the biggest determinant in making this decision was the lifestyle. I knew that if I stayed home for college, nothing would change for me. I knew that my parents would treat me the same, and all "college" would be for me was going to class, and coming home. I don't think I would experience the same atmosphere and independence that I do away from home.
Being able to experience life outside of my comfort zone was the most rewarding adventure I could ever imagine. I am truly learning how to live on my own, make my own important decisions, and to actually be an adult. To me, living at home seemed like the "safe" choice. It would feel like I was still in high school: going to school, coming home, having mommy cook all my meals & do all my laundry. Now don't get me wrong, I still enjoy all of those luxuries when I come home, but I know i would become too dependent on them. I wouldn't take those responsibilities on myself. Going away to school has given me the actual motive to cook my own food and do my own laundry, mainly because no one else was going to do it for me.
Another reason why I love being away at school is the freedom. As I said before, a major con of staying home for college was being treated the same way as I would in high school. Being away means I'm free to do what I want when I want to. I can have friends over until all hours of the night (roommate willing), I can go out on a Saturday night and not have to worry about a curfew. The freedom is great, but knowing that these are MY choices really stuck with me. If I know I have to study, and I choose to go out instead, that's on me. There's nobody else to blame for that decision but myself. That's when I truly knew I was a growing up.
College is meant to be so much more than just obtaining a degree. It's about meeting new people. making new friends, and doing things you wouldn't normally do. If I had stayed home for college there's no way I would've jumped off a cliff into the river nearby. Thrilling. If I had stayed home I would not feel so independent and so in control of my own destiny. Being away at school has given me the opportunity to grow into my own, and step out of my comfort zone. I have met so many incredible people that have changed my view on the world and made me see things in a new light. Getting out of your oh-so-familiar hometown can enlighten you to new views & perspectives.
If given the opportunity, I highly recommend taking it. You never know the benefits until you get out there and experience it for yourself.