Here I am 21 years old thinking I should have everything together. I have been in college three years now. I should be in some kind of program getting ready for my senior year of college to begin. I should have a dream job lined up. I should have prince charming already, but here I am writing this article to tell you none of these things I should have, I have yet. In fact, I don’t have to have everything together right now.
When I graduated high school I had it all planned out. The dream job, the school I was going to, and prince charming. That’s just who I was. I have always been a huge planner. Every little detail of my life had to all be planned out. What I was doing on a certain weekend would be planned out weeks in advance. I even planned my outfits out for concerts that were months away. Time after time I continued to plan out everything. However, this past year I had a huge bump in the road. All the big plans I had for myself completely fell apart.
Just when I thought I would get that job I wanted, I didn’t get it. Just when I thought I was following the right career path, it all became a blur. Just when I thought I found the one, he was no good for me. I must admit for the longest time I kept questioning God reasons for everything that happened. I had such a hard time trying to understand it all. I prayed so hard for God to give me that job I wanted. I prayed so hard for God to make the boy that was no good for me become good for me. I prayed so hard for the career path I was going for to be the right career for me. I thought when none of these prayers were answered my way that God just didn’t want what was best for me, but it was in that moment when I realized God did answer my prayers. He answered them by redirecting my prayers his way. The better way. The way that would change my life for the better.
“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps” - Proverbs 16:9
No matter how much we try to plan out everything God is always redirecting that plan we think is best for us. Before you were even born God knew you. He knew your purpose in life. Every good or bad thing that happens to you he knows his plan for you from beginning to end.
“Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” - Proverbs 3:6
For every prayer answered. Thank God. For every day you wake up. Thank God and know you are blessed just to be alive. For every prayer not answered. Thank God because in a way the prayer was answered his way. The better way. All God wants is your heart and your will to serve him. He will fulfill your life with the greatest blessings. His plan will be the best reward yet as long as you trust his plan.
There are things in life that happen. Sometimes they are bad and sometimes they are so bad you feel like your whole world is falling apart and it leaves you questioning Gods plan. Don’t. Trust his plan. He keeps his promises. It may seem like the bad will outweigh everything, but not if you learn to let him take control of your life.