5 years ago if you would have asked me how my life would be today, my response would be very different than what my life is now. In 2012, my family's life came to a complete stand still and we all came to realize how short life really is. We lost the man that put the love and joy into our family and made it shine bright. We had great years with my Baba and he was a the true definition of an amazing husband, father and grandfather. Losing him made me realize to always live for today, not to worry about yesterday and not to stress about tomorrow. We never know when our lives can change drastically, God is the only one that knows how each of our days will play out.
I believe God sends us places when he wants us to be there, he puts us in situations and places that we need to fulfill the life he has planned out for us. Through life God puts you in situations where you have to decide whether to accept and follow him or not to. In life we make huge choices, but the biggest one of all is choosing whether or not to follow and accept God.
Through life I can not say that I have been the greatest and most faithful Christian, because I have not. There has been many times where I have strayed away from God for no reason at all, but no matter how many times I've needed him I knew I just needed to get on my knees and pray. That's what's so amazing about our God we fail him time and time again, but no matter what his love and mercy stays.
The day I realized I needed God and I needed to follow God was the day he blessed me and my boyfriend with a nine pound ten ounce sweet baby baby. From that day forward I have realized that God is doing so much for me, why am I not doing the same for him? He has blessed me in so many ways, I need to thank him and praise him for all the amazing things he has done in my life. He has blessed me with an amazing boyfriend and father to our son. Never did I realize how blessed I was, I always looked at the future and never focused on what God was putting right in front of me. I have realized that even though there are tough days God gives me a good day to make up for it, and all the obstacles and bumps in the way is Gods plan to show me a great day.