How would you feel if during the eye of your storm a letter came down from heaven with your name on it, signed and sealed from your Heavenly Father?Within this letter was everything you were seeking such things as peace, joy, bravery, the feeling of adequacy. Your eyes running back and forth tracing and studying these words he sent just to you, to remind you that he never left, to ease the pain of the heartbreak. To erase the cloud of fear looming in your mind or to break the stronghold of lies from the enemy wrapped around your heart. hat if I told you, you already possessed this love letter?
Everyday we have the amazing opportunity to hold, breathe and smell this letter because it is our Bible! (Not saying go and smell your Bible. Lol)In today's society we have placed God in this box we have “friend-zoned” him and only seek him upon our selfish requests because we are too busy living our lives, right? Well, use to be me 100%, until one day I decided to not only listen to my pastor or church going peers around me, but to listen to the tug on my heart. I recieved the revelation that God isnot this big angry man waiting to strike me down with lighteningtrying to control my life and stop me from having “fun”. Nor is the Bible a tool of enslavementof my so-called “free mind” but, instead a love letter from our father packed with tools to navigate and free us from the world we live in. Just as everything else in this society we have generalized God and striped his importance or actual power away. Making him a character in our book of life who may or may not have a reoccurring role, let’s change that today shall we?
One thing I want you to remember is God doesn’t love you because he has too, because he really doesn’t. He loves you because that is simply who he is; his natural is love, and, when someone doesn’t love you under circumstantial things this type of love can never be shaken, stirred, diluted or moved. The perfect example of this is Romans 8:35-39…
“Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Isn’t that simply amazing? If you remember nothing else please remember this, God loves you in your mess, he loves you in all 1,000 of your pieces. He is not looking for perfection, therefore there is nothing you can do to “fix yourself up” before coming to him all he is looking for is a willing heart today (and everyday). I can’t even tell you guys how many years I spent trying to get fancy for God, listening to that annoying voice in the back of head tell me. “Oh, homegirl you have time, so go ahead and do what you want anyway… you can try again tomorrow.” Or “Do you see how many times you have messed up, God can never use you He will never want you.” Stop letting the enemy talk you out of your purpose and out of your blessings. God literally has an amazing life planned out for you and no matter how hard you try you alone can never match it. I say all of this to say, Jesus did not come for the righteous folk (that’s that country coming out) or the overly religious folk or the holy folk. He came for sinners like you and me, he came not to condemn you and charge you, but to plead your case everyday before God so you will always have a fighting chance. He came to be a hospital for the sick, to mend you soul to perfect health. Jesus came to accomplish once and for all the laws we as humans simply couldn’t live by, he came to set you free. He came to be your healer, your Lord and Savior but only if you let him.
You see, we serve a God who has given us the freewill to choose which system or Kingdom we want to live under, His or the world’s. God will never force you to do anything, he is patient, he is loving, he is kind. He is the man that had this book written by people throughout history who thought they were unqualified to do anything for God. Who thought they were insignificant, but God saw their weakness and turned it into Glory so that today at this very moment you will always have everything you will ever need if you just take a chance.
I am not here to try and change your mind and make you do anything you don’t want to do because I have heard it all before, “That’s why I don’t talk to you Christians because y’all are always trying to force someone to do something.” That is not my purpose with this article or in life. My goal with this article is just for you to start to acknowledge him more, he is the only man that I can think of that will never leave you or hurt you when you leave and hurt him. His love for you is deeper than your problems and bigger than your pain and he is just waiting to fix them all if you give him the chance…
I love you guys so much,
And as Heather Lindsey would say…
“God loves you like crazy!”