Our earthly victories pale next to the victory we will have when we see Jesus face to face. Luckily for us, our failures aren't that big either. God's heavenly plan remains despite our earthly effort. Romans 8:28 says, "All things work for the good of those who love him, for those who have been called according to his purpose."We think things are going well for us when we reach a goal or avoid making mistakes. God measures our well-being in a much bigger way. He says that by becoming more like him, we bring him glory. That is for our ultimate good — it's our life purpose.
That makes every heartache, embarrassment, and pain a whole lot more tolerable. No matter what we endure, we can find peace in the fact that God is writing our story. He has the plan and there is a reason for every trial we go under. Nothing we have to face is too big for God. He allows troubles to happen to shape us more into his image if we let our hearts to be open to his plan.
That also makes all our life planning seem pretty trivial. I often feel like everyone else my age, that choosing a career and spouse are the ultimate decisions right now. And of course God cares about those things and he wants the best for us. At the same time, what we think is best and what God thinks is best are two different things. We are out for our pleasures and wants, but he is looking at the condition of our hearts. God cares who we choose as our spouse, where we live, who our friends are, and what retirement plan we choose. He knows the number of hairs on our heads for goodness sake. Yet, the ultimate decision will always be choosing to make God our personal God. "Asking him into our heart" or "entering a relationship with him" is just the start. After we have chosen to live a life with him as our guide, it's all about fostering that relationship.
So when we think all these other things are life or death matters, they are not. As Christians, this Earth is not our home. I don't know about you but that relieves so much stress and pressure for me. I can rest knowing that my life here is only a stepping stone to a much greater life in Heaven. No matter what happens here, if I let God mold it for my good as Romans 1:28 says then my life is a success.
We are put here to know God and to make God known. Everything else we do can either add to or take away from that. Our friendships, career, and hobbies can either lead us and others closer to that purpose or not. We are small and imperfect creatures and that is OK. Sometimes we get life right and sometimes we make mistakes. No matter what, if we keep our focus on being used for God's glory, we have fulfilled our purpose.