It is often said that god’s greatest gifts are ones that seem to be the most important to you, and your values. They are often given to you in various ways and in endless definitions. For me, my siblings are my greatest gift. I am lucky enough to have been blessed with three older siblings; two brothers and a sister. Some of my utmost memories are with you guys, and I’m forever grateful for that. Although there is a huge age difference between us, the love we share for one another does not differ because of that. I am lucky that I have such a close bond with each and every one of you. I just wanted to remind you all that you have played a significant role in the person I have become.
First, To My oldest Brother Hans,
You are the most talented, smart, and adventurous person I have ever known. You are not scared to let the world take you on a journey to the unknown, and experience all different types of adventures. You are able to fix any problems that seem to unravel whether it involves electronics, home improvement, furniture and basically anything. You are not afraid to take risks when offered job promotions, and are not beat down by what the possible ending result might be but rather have it strengthen you to be the greatest potential that you can be. Thank you for all you have done for me, and I cannot wait to see where the future brings you.
Second, To My Other Brother James,
You have such a big heart, you are not afraid to speak your mind, and you always manage to succeed in whatever you pursue. You always put others and our family before yourself, and that will forever be appreciated. When dealing with debates or any sort of conversation you are not afraid to tell your side of the story; which is important in today’s society. A lot of people are scared to speak their mind, but with you, you are confident. Whether it’s your job, school, or tasks around your house, you always seem to succeed. We share a bond that no one can replace and you have protected me and cared for me ever since I was little, and still do to this day. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you Hans and James for blessing me with two more gifts- Francisca and Shannon. You girls are the best sisters.
Third, To My Sister Kim,
You are the strongest, most beautiful and kind hearted person I know. It is said that the nicest people go through the worst of things, and you sure have been through a lot over the years. What I love most about you is that you never let those bad things change who you are as a person. But, you let those events make you stronger. I often envy you that you are looked upon as the “attractive” sister, but it's true. You are beautiful inside and out. Thank you for always being there for me, and for being my best friend. You continue to amaze me. You are so kind hearted and you will someday change the world.
As the youngest sibling, I look up to you guys with everything. You are my role models. I watch your success, mistakes, and your experiences first hand. I learn what not to do and what to do. I learn how to show compassion, love, and kindness. Thank you, as your little sister, for putting up with me, and making everyday a gift.
I love you endlessly.