We all only have one life to live, so why not live it right? What is on your bucket list? Is it skydiving, visiting the Eiffel Tower, or seeing the 7 great wonders of the world? If you are anything like me, you want at the end of your life to have no ragrets.
So I challenge you to write your bucket list and put this unique idea at the top: swimming with the manatees.
Last week for my birthday my mom had the amazing idea to take me to Crystal River, Florida to go swimming with the manatees. Usually, you hear about people snorkeling with fish or swimming with dolphins in a gated park like SeaWorld (which I do not condone). So, when I heard about swimming with the manatees I was hooked on the idea.
We decided to do a semi-private tour, which I extremely recommend. We had our own private instructor (Captain Bill) and there was only 6 of us, instead of the tours that take 32 people. He taught us all about the beautiful endangered species (yes, they still are endangered ignore what other people have said). We went to the spring-fed King’s Bay Wildlife Refuge that held all the manatees. This is so different then going to a park to see the poor animals that are there against their will. These manatees love King’s Bay and they are in the wild! I recommend going in the winter months (don’t worry you will get wetsuits), and during the weekdays to get the most quality time with the animals.
These animals are huge, weighing in at 2,000 pounds. We practice “passive observing,” so we float on our stomachs and have our heads in the water and the amazing animals float under you, next to you, and some even come up and nuzzle your face. You will feel like Ariel the Little Mermaid! It was absolutely the most raw and incredible experience with wildlife I have ever had. There is no experience like it.
So, I challenge you to go write your bucket list and put swimming with the manatees at the top of your list. Don’t look back at your life 60 years from now wishing you had lived a fuller life. Take the trips, take that leap of faith, and I promise you won’t regret it.