This post may be more on the personal side, but I find it something that we are are debating, questioning, and sometimes struggling with. The topic of the day is faithfulness. I think as people we struggle with having faith when things don't go our way. It's no fun, everyone thinks they have the best plan for themselves.
Newsflash: You don't.
Recently, I've had a lot of moments with Jesus when I've just said, "Seriously?" Writing this, I laugh at myself because who am I to question what the God of the whole universe is doing. Because the church answer is that we would pick God's plan over our own when in reality we throw some sort of temper tantrum when things don't go according to our plan.
I would laugh at stories in the Bible when people would watch Jesus do such amazing miracles and still have the audacity to doubt what he is doing. When in reality we do the same thing every day. I decided to hunt again for an answer, and if you just open the Old Testament, there are countless testimonies of God's faithfulness.
Every promise God has made, he has been faithful too.
I think when we have a limited view and expect instant gratification. When in reality God has this cool birds-eye view of our life. He can see what's coming up, how the timing of things isn't right yet, and the hard things coming up.
If you are anything like me, you wish God would just tap you on the shoulder and be like hey girl, stop pouting. I got this. I think one day when we are in heaven with him, we will understand the cool things he has done.
So maybe tomorrow you won't hear the news you wanted, your friend won't be better, you'll still be as single as a Pringle, you won't be passing that class, your bills won't be easier to pay, but I think in time we will be able to see what God was doing. We will be able to understand why Rome or our lives weren't built in a day.
So I think I'll create a new resolution for myself, to just be faithful. To look for God in the small things, and not expect huge miracles every single day. Life is all about the climb ya know.