This article is for everyone, even if you aren’t religious or don’t know where you stand with God.
To be clear, yes God could take away your anxiety, but he probably isn’t going to. He is capable, and miracles are possible but he probably won’t.
Let’s break this down into two main reasons why God won’t fix your anxiety, or other mental health concerns you may have:
1. Mental Health Isn’t Something That Gets Fixed
Now, this is a case by case situation. Some people conquer their mental illnesses and move on and never deal with them again. Depending on what causes and triggers are present, certain mental factors play a much broader role, but a large majority find ways to manage their anxieties and keep living.
If you struggle with any sort of anxiety or mental health concerns, I’m here to tell you that you don’t need fixing. There are people who will tell you that you need fixing. There are well meaning, loving humans who will tell you that you need fixing.
You do not need fixing. You just need to be happy with your state of mind. And you will get there, I promise you.
Mental health has myriads of negative stigmas surrounding it. But one of the most detrimental, from my perspective, is the idea that all mental illness needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible.
Did you know there are studies that show if depression was eliminated from the planet, most artists would stop creating “good” and “meaningful” art? Did you know some of the smartest people in history were diagnosed with mental health issues? Have you realized that everyone who has struggled with mental illness has an incredible story, whether it be heartbreaking or empowering, or both?
If you believe the negative stigmas which tell you you need fixing, please stop right now. Pause and say to yourself “I am enough, I am who I am, and that will never change.” Accept that today. Ask yourself what negativity you are holding onto about how the world views your challenges. Your differences are what make you, you. Your challenges are what make you powerful.
2. You Must Act If You Want Change
Let me tell you how I deal with my anxiety and depression on a day-to-day basis. Let me tell you the solutions that have been successful for me.
Yoga. Yoga has changed me. I’ve learned about balance. I’ve learned about the power of breathing to calm myself and also to empower myself. I’ve learned about mindfulness and stepping out of myself to view things from different perspectives. I’ve learned silly, yet effective, coping mechanisms that help me when I get anxious in social situations. Yoga also keeps me active and aware of my physical well being.
Doctors and Counseling. None of the professionals I have seen in the past few years have been religious. Frankly, all of them have been quite the opposite. I have sought out non-religious opinions for the simple fact that I know they base their ideals on medical opinion alone, and not religious stigmas of mental health. My doctors have been qualified medical professionals that have counseled me and led me in the proper direction to maintaining my mental and physical health.
Medicine. I know this can be a touchy subject, therefore I won’t go into detail, but proper usage (and non-usage) of medicine has gotten me to a healthy mind space. I am not numb. I am not “fixed”. I still feel everything that I have felt in the past like hopelessness, nervousness and a racing heart. But now, I am in a place where the chemicals in my mind are more balanced than they once were, and now I can breathe. I am in a place where I can step outside my own head, and work on building myself.
All of these coping and growth tools took action. I had to choose to go to my first yoga class. I had to call doctors and counselors. I had to schedule appointments and attend those appointments. I acted towards growing as an individual so I could love myself, and others better.
God will not fix your mental health, because it doesn’t need fixing. God will not fix you, because you are building your story and it needs to be told. God will not fix you, because there are steps that you can take, and resources you can use to conquer this yourself.
If you are an anxious soul, be proud that you feel more about the world and others than certain people do. It’s a blessing and you will move mountains because of it. You will conquer things you never thought were possible.
xoxo, Lizzie