Staying close to Godis important in college. Believe it or not, He is our Father. He is always looking out for us, and wants our lives to be successful.
It is hard to lose this vision when in college, though, but let me be one to encourage you to hold onto Him as tightly as you can. He will change your life forever. You'll actually find that every single breath of yours is important and you do have an individual purpose on this earth. I mean why would you be here if the Creator did not envision you living out an incredible life here?
College is where you find yourself. You discover who you truly are, and find your lifelong friends here. College is also the place where you lose yourself. I do have to say that if you are trying to find yourself, you have to lose yourself first. Low profile it. Kinda just walk around doing the same routines, and after a while you'll figure out what you want.
Now I've had the entire first semester of college to maintain a low profile, and I'm finally so tired of it that I know who I am. That sounds absurd and like I'm out of my mind. I might be out of my mind, but at least I know who I am.
Let me tell you something though, I could not have found myself if I hadn't kept God near to me. Yes, I'm not the best at constantly reading the Bible or being slow to anger. Let's be real, I get angry at dumb things and forget to pray before I eat most of the time.
But to me, that's incredible. I know that God is always by my side. When I'm mad, happy, failing a class, trying to figure out how to wear my makeup or even just walking to class in this weird Indiana weather, He is there.
I kinda kept a hood over my face from God for a little bit first semester. This wasn't due to any embarrassments, but more of just thinking I could handle life without being in contact with Him so frequently.
But here I am, admitting that is false, and that I need Him now more than ever.
I can't imagine how the rest of my college career would be without Him by my side. I can hardly get through one day without crying about something stupid, but I can always cheer up knowing God's got control. I know that as I am now becoming and shaping myself into the person I want to be, I need God to help me.
I can't "adult," I'm hardly good at "life-ing," but I know that with God's strength I can get where I want to be and where He wants me. I know that my life is in His hands, and if I don't hand it over to Him then I may never know what great things are in store for me.
Holding onto God can be hard in college, but it is absolutely necessary.