As a person, I do not like to wait on many things. I do not like waiting at the doctor’s office, I do not like waiting on my friends to get ready, and I most certainly do not like waiting at the MVA. When I want something, I want it at that moment, and I like to think that no one can stop me. However, someone can stop me…and He wants me to wait.
There are many things that I want in my life, which I think any average person would want. Some things, I hear God telling me “go ahead and get it, I approve”. But other things, I hear Him saying, “You’re not quite ready for that yet”, or “I have something better”. And when I hear this, I have no other choice, but to let Him do Him (even though He’s going to do it anyway).
When God says wait, at first I think, “For what. I know what I want, and it should not harm me, so why can’t I have it now”. But I have to realize that He knows far more than I will ever know, and I shall not question his timing. What I think may not harm me, could be the very thing to destroy me in the blink of an eye.
When God says I am not ready for something, He means that I can have what I want eventually, but I am not ready to receive it yet. He knows where I am and knows where I am trying to go, and I will have to go through some obstacles in order to get there. I have to better and humble myself as a person, so that when I do get what I want, I can look up and know that it was Him who got me to my destination.
When God says He has something better for me, He is telling me that what I want isn’t all that and a bag of skittles; He has something better for me, and wants me to have better, because that is what I deserve. Sometimes, I do not understand it at first, because it is hard to believe that there is better out there, but I know He knows what is best for me.
Yes, life is short, and if you want something, go get it; however, if God is giving you signs to wait, you better stop and listen. He either has something better for you or you are not ready to receive to it yet. Just wait. Trust His timing, because His timing is perfect.