“Aw, look at that! Relationship goals right there!”
Even if you haven’t said it out loud, I’m sure you’ve had similar thoughts before when seeing a couple do sweet, cute things for one another. We’re all guilty of these thoughts, and it’s not that anything is wrong with thinking that. However, sometimes I think we lose sight of what true relationship goals should look like.
Although it’s not wrong to have little, quirky “goals” for a relationship, it’s important that we focus on the fundamental qualities that we should be striving for in a relationship.
Thankfully, God lays out the perfect example of the kind of character we should look for in a partner. So, here is a list of some fundamental qualities that I have found to be what we should consider true goals to look for in a relationship:
1. Devoted through the downfalls.
Through all our hardships in life, it's important that we find someone who is consistent and unfailing in their devotion to you.
2. Forgiving through the failures.
Yes, we all fail. We all fall short. But finding someone who encompasses a forgiving heart and is able to exhibit compassion and true forgiveness even when we screw up is a beautiful quality.
3. Persistent through the problems.
Similar to number one, it is important to find someone who continues to pursue us, even in our shortcomings and issues.
4. Trusting through the trials.
It's inevitable that we will face many troubles in this life, but finding someone who can trust you and admire the way you face controversy in extremely uplifting and validating.
5. Protective through the plights.
We should strive to find that person that truly puts others before himself or herself because finding someone who would lay down his or her own life for you genuinely builds an everlasting bond like no other.
6. Steadfast through the struggles.
Again, I feel as though I have reiterated this similar quality many times, but it is so important that we search for someone who with a faithful heart who remains loyal through all the struggles of life.
7. Loving beyond all limits.
Lastly, above all else––seek unconditional love. Love binds all these qualities together and finding someone who does all they do in love is non-negotiable. Seek someone with a heart after God.
All this being said, there’s no denying that we are all human, so our relationships here on Earth will fall short of perfection. But that doesn’t mean we should settle or lower our standards. I truly believe that this list provides a solid outline to refer to when searching for what real relationship goals look like.