If there’s one thing that can be seen as frustrating, scary, and completely uncontrollable right now, it’s the current presidential election. I will not say that I know a lot about the subject or that I can tell you how to vote, but what I do know is that—1. People have power over nothing, and 2. God has power over everything.
There is rightfully some fear flowing through the country right now, but something that disappoints me is hearing people say that they are terrified for the next presidency, or that they are going to cry after the election is over. Trust me, I realize some of the massive mistakes that these candidates have made, and no one can guarantee that either of them will change once they are elected, but let me propose this to us: Since time began, God has not let anything happen that should not happen, and he will govern the path that our country takes.
Regardless of who is in power in the United States of America, God is in power over our entire universe, and more importantly, he holds power in our hearts. I once heard a speaker say that fear and anxiety are disgusting to God. While this may seem a bit harsh, in all honesty, it is not. When we become Christians, we are saying that our lives and hearts now belong to Christ, and we know that he rules over everything—not just what happens to us, but also to our enemies, our country, our family—everyone. All of this is based upon faith, the idea that we cannot see God beside us, but we believe and trust that He will protect us and give us what we need. For this reason, we are commanded to trust in hard times just as much as good times. When we do not trust, we are saying that we do not believe God has power over people and things of this world. Joshua 1:9 says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
All this is not to say that if we trust, God will make everything perfect—well, actually, He will, but perfect may not always be easy. Perfect may not always look good. We cannot forget that sometimes God works to show us his power and to punish us for straying from Him. In the Bible, we read stories about the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Israel’s enemies, etc., all situations where God did judge the people and it was not pretty. But this still does not allow us to live in fear, for we know that God is in control, and He will reward those who are righteous and stay close to Him in times of trial.
Although we do not know what the future looks like, I challenge you to not let fear take over your mind because we know that God has not given up on us. He will not let our enemy, the devil, defeat us, even when it seems like the devil has taken control. He loves us dearly and wants the best for His people, so pray fiercely, be an example for others, and leave the rest up to God.
“O Lord, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you.”
2 Chronicles 20:6
None can withstand him, not even the President of the United States.