And on the ninth day, God looked down on his fields and pastures and said, “I need someone to trust with the future." So God made an AG student.
God said, “I need someone to wake up before the dawn to do chores and only stop for breakfast when they have time, then spend all day in class then go to work, come home just to work more and study until after dark." So God made an AG student.
SEE ALSO: What Being In Agriculture Has Taught Me
“I need someone with quick enough steps to make it across campus and back on time for class yet patient enough to stop and hold the door for the person behind them because that's just what you do. Somebody to plug in numbers, take measurements, study weather patterns, sell a product and still have time to make it to church on Sunday — willingly and happily." So God made an AG student.
God said, “I need somebody to stay up late until well after the sun sets studying the same material over and over again until they simply can't any longer and if they aren't happy with the grade they get back they'll say 'I'll try harder next time.' I need someone to take notes, listen to their teachers, ask questions and go the extra mile just for knowledge." So God made an AG student.
God needed someone who would pass up on going out on Friday night because there were chores that needed to be done early tomorrow and a paper due Monday, but someone who would drop everything the moment someone was in trouble. So God made an AG student.
God said, "I need someone brave enough to stand their ground against those who slander the industry that they love but kind enough to make room for their niece or nephew in the big tractor that they love riding in so much." So God made an AG student.
SEE ALSO: The Future Of Agriculture According To Secretary Clinton And Donald Trump
It had to be someone passionate and dedicated who'd never take the easy way out or sell Grandpa's farm. Somebody to educate the public and combat the disconnection from those who simply don't know. Someone who genuinely wants to spend their life "doing what Dad does." So God made an AG student.