College is a time for independence; for the majority of us, this is the first time in our lives where we call all the shots. But that whole thing about "with great power comes great responsibility?" Yeah, that couldn't be more true. Some of these responsibilities are more fun than others. Feel like eating gummy worms for dinner? Well mom's not there to stop you, so go for it. There's also the kind of responsibilities that are a little less apparent than what to eat and when to eat it. Take religion. Where does God fit into this new part of our lives? It seems that today's society is focused on convenience. Food is delivered to us, television and movies can be easily streamed, but what about God?
Growing up, it was never a question; every Sunday morning my entire family would wake up, get ready, and be out the door for church. I imagine it was like this for a lot of other people. Where it all changed for me was college. No longer were my parents waking me up every Sunday morning. Instead, I had to make that choice for myself. It's so easy to choose a Saturday night party over an early morning service, I get that, but think of it like this: we're to praise Him in both times of joy and despair, and obviously one is easier than the other, but the point isn't about when it works for us. God isn't supposed to be convenient at all times; He isn't always going to be the easy choice. Now, God is always there, that's a fact, but it's not an excuse. Just because God is always with you doesn't mean you should skip church in favor for a night out and make it up to Him later.
This isn't a judgment on those who stayed out a little too late and didn't make it to church the next day, because we've all been there. This is a reminder. Be present in all aspects of your life, whether it relates to religion or not. Choose what is right, not what is convenient.