I'm a Christian. I've grown up going to church on Sundays, reading the Bible and always saying my prayers at night. My faith is one of the most important things in my life; it easily defines me, it is the reason I get out of bed every morning and it is what keeps me grounded when times get rough.
When I was younger, I wasn't always the best Christian as I could be. I missed church, didn't really understand the Bible, and I spent more time on my phone before bed than praying.
There has never been a time where I've questioned my faith--I have always believed in God. But, I do remember having a lot of questions:
What does heaven look like?
If I'm baptized do I automatically go to heaven?
I thought the animals went two by two, not by threes?
While there were always many, many, many more questions I had, questioning God's existence wasn't one of them. However, I do know people who have had that question go through their mind at one point or another.
And I'm here to tell you that it is ok to have those questions.
It's human nature to be inquisitive and wonder about the many mysteries God has. It doesn't make you a "bad" Christian to wonder, as long as you know the answers are right in front of you.
I don't have all of the answers, that's for dang sure, but I do think I can answer how I know that God is real.
The "little signs" from God.
Read a devotion that talked about the exact problem you're going through? That's God. Going through a test and finally remembering the answer to the problem you were stuck on? That's God. Seeing a puppy after you just had a stressful conversation? That's God.
The little coincidences that happen throughout your day are never just coincidences. God is always working, in little ways and in big ways, to try and let you know He's there.
Faith. As simple as that.
Having faith that your plane won't crash while you're traveling to Italy, is not the same as having faith in God. Putting your faith into God is so easy to do. He loves you, He has a plan for you and He will never leave you.
Looking for proof? *Sets down a giant briefcase full of paperwork*
It is found that there is more scientific evidence that points toward Jesus walking the earth and dying for our sins than there is to support the "Big Bang."
Besides, isn't it easier to believe someone walked the earth to die for our sins, compared to a "random blob of matter" exploding into the earth?
I don't have all of the answers to the many different questions that people have about God, by any means, but I do think my answers for knowing God is real can suffice: the little signs, faith, and proof.
Being completely honest, I don't think anyone will have all of the answers to all of your questions; God is divine, and if he gave us all of the knowledge we craved...well, what fun would that be?